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Sunday, September 23, 2018

WHY MOUTH ULCER OCCUR CAUSES, SYMPTOMS AND TREATMENTمنہ میں چھالے کیوں بنتے ہیں۔اور انھے 2دن میں کیسے ختم کریں

What is mouth ulcer?

A open sore inside the mouth. That cause pain when  you eating and drinking something..
In some cases a man feel pain when he speaking.
Mouth ulcer appear to the mouth at the base of gums.

Mouth ulcer also known as canker sore.


Symptoms of little or large ulcer are painful inside the mouth at the base of gums


Mouth injury during dental working
When you brushing hard.
When you have accidentally bite
When you using expires mouthwash and toothpaste
When you eat spicy food
When you eat hot food
Sometime it appears due to fungal and bacterial infections.

Treatments for mouth ulcers.

Make a paste of salt and baking soda and apply on it
Make a paste mixed with little drops of water and apply on it
Rinse mouth with cold water
By using oral jel  and benzoxaine
By using nutritional supplements  such as folicacid, vitamin B 6 , zinc
Apply topical toothpaste on it
Placing moist tea bag on ulcer it will soothe the pain

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