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Saturday, September 29, 2018

Do you know Which food improve our eye sight ?

September 29, 2018 4 Comments

Good eye sight is necessary for the better view of  happy life. if your eyesight  becomes weak then you must get worried about it.Once eyesight of a person weak then it is more difficult to control it to further weakness. Here we tell us you some magically food that help us to  maintain and increase your eyesight.
To improve eyesight must be use theses food in daily routine.Because healthy food is natural way to increase eyesight strength and other diseases.These food will also helpful to maintain your body healthy and fit.


Fish are essential for eye Because it contains Omega 3  is best  for anti-inflammation that help to cure chronic eyesight can improve eyesight as well as strengthen the cornea of eye. Fish are highly contain omega 3. Omega 3 found in richest amount in tuna and salmon fish,


Eggs contain highly amount of protein. That is essential  for eyes as well it is necessary supplement to all the part of our body. there are hardly someone that would not like to eat to eggs .But you can  subtle or mixed it with other types of recipes.

Orange and Citrus

Citrus are also contain omega 3 that help us to improve better vision. Citrus food like lemon, oranges . citrus food also contain vitamin c that help to bright our skin and improve eye sight . these fruits contain anti-oxidant that help to killing the bacteria.

Green vegetables,

Pakistani peoples are not fully aware how to actually use of vegetables, they cook food with full oil and eliminate their  real nutrients. For better eye sight we should use carrot, capsicum ,cucumber, apple and celery in salad form

Keep your eyes healthy so that you can enjoy productive life. 

Sunday, September 23, 2018

WHY MOUTH ULCER OCCUR CAUSES, SYMPTOMS AND TREATMENTمنہ میں چھالے کیوں بنتے ہیں۔اور انھے 2دن میں کیسے ختم کریں

September 23, 2018 0 Comments

What is mouth ulcer?

A open sore inside the mouth. That cause pain when  you eating and drinking something..
In some cases a man feel pain when he speaking.
Mouth ulcer appear to the mouth at the base of gums.

Mouth ulcer also known as canker sore.


Symptoms of little or large ulcer are painful inside the mouth at the base of gums


Mouth injury during dental working
When you brushing hard.
When you have accidentally bite
When you using expires mouthwash and toothpaste
When you eat spicy food
When you eat hot food
Sometime it appears due to fungal and bacterial infections.

Treatments for mouth ulcers.

Make a paste of salt and baking soda and apply on it
Make a paste mixed with little drops of water and apply on it
Rinse mouth with cold water
By using oral jel  and benzoxaine
By using nutritional supplements  such as folicacid, vitamin B 6 , zinc
Apply topical toothpaste on it
Placing moist tea bag on ulcer it will soothe the pain

Saturday, September 22, 2018

8 major causes of human casualties globallyکیا آپ جانتے ہے کہ دنیا میں سب سے زیادہ اموات کن 8 امراض کی وجہہ سے ہوتی ہیں۔

September 22, 2018 0 Comments

Why is it necessary to know reasons for human deaths?

It is very important to know that Because  these figures are one of the key  resources  which can help to estimated  country Health system  utility.

Eight great reasons for death worldwide

In 2015
 50 Millions peoples dead in worldwide. Half of them are dead due to following 8 reasons.


    Heart disease and stroke proved to be the most cervical disease in 2015 due to which 15 million people died. These diseases have been the biggest cause of death globally for the past 15


Heart Burn
Chest Discomforts
Pain in arms and stomach
Jaw and throat pain
Irregular heart beat
Legs & feets swollen

Causes of Heart Diseases

As you know that smoking is injurious to health. In smoker there is layer gathered around the heart that causes Respiratory diseases.
Smoker are also reducing their life time period continuosly.
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
Due to depression, anxiety and aggression one can easily experience hypertension .Caused by gathering of fatness around the liver and heart.
Living a happy life without stress is possible but difficult.
Prevention from High bloody pressure is by eating healthy food and doing exercise.
Use of unhealthy food
Know as main cause of heart attack. Because we are not aware that which food is healthy for us or not. There is a term known as “(portion Control)”  that mean eat all the vegetable protein carbs and dairy products etc. But in specific quantity. Perfect diet mean learn about eating  healthy  food  its not mean to stop eating.


IN worldwide psychiatric illness seven biggest cause of death globally. But the rate of death becomes double in past few years.
Disorder that effect Behavior mood and thinking ability called mental illness.


Felling sad and down
Extreme felling of guilt
Addictive Behavior
Excessive anger
Sex drive change
Alchol and drug abuse
Suicidal thinking

Physical cahnges
Stomach pain
Pain in back

Sometime mental illness run in families it passed from familes to families  through their genes.

Sometimes certain infections may causes brain damage and development of mental illness
A condition of brain illness  known as “(Pediatric Autoimmune neuropsychiatric)”
Associated with streptococcus bacteria has been linked with mental disorders .
Long term abusing has been linked to anxiety and depression. That are symptoms  of mental illness.
By using Drugs
Drugs also cause mental illness. Toxins chemical are present in drugs that cause damage of brain.


Respiratory Diseases has been  the most deadly disease in worldwide. about 3.2 million people has been dead in few years.
Common cold
Pain in muscles
Pathogenic microorganisms such as Bacteria viruses and fungi
Diseases spread directly or indirectly from one person to another.


The number of people who died due to lungs cancer and respiratory diseases are more than one million in one year worldwide. The  major cuses of these disease are smoking.
Chest pain
Weight loss
Felling weak or tired
Shortness of brathing
Family history
Working in smoking  area
Traffic pollution


The number of death cause by Diabetes are  about 1.5 million every year. Diabetes is  chronic disease which is caused by high level of sugar in is major fifth biggest disease in worldwide.
Dry mouth
Blurred vision
Head ache
Weight loss
Caused by immune system
Excess of insulin
High blood sugar
By eating sweetened Beverages


Although the rate of number of death due to Diarrhea  became decreased but still it is dangerous disease. The main cause of this disease is retro- virus  in childhood. But about 1.4 millios people currently died due to this disease.
Loose watery stool
Shortage of blood
By eating contaminated food
By driking unfiltered  water

7; T:B

Similarly, T:B is one of the major eight causes of human casualties in worldwide  about the ratio of death caused by T:B is around 4 million in world wide
But the happy news about T:B is that now it is not  apart of 8 major human death  casualties. It has been possible due to human efforts and security measurements.
Cough with blood
Sudden weight loss
Caused by bacteria that spread person to person
Family history
By smoking
Drugs using


In 2015 the number of death caused by road accidents are 1.3 million. Out of which more than seventy percent people were Men and young boys.
Life is precious asset and it is our duty to protect to protect our and other life. Care and care of life can be taken  care of and careful.
Night drive
Drunk driving
Taking short cuts
Slip trips and falls

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Fast-spread disease high blood pressure in the world دنیا میں تیزی سے پھیلنے والا مرض ہائی بلڈ پریشر

September 20, 2018 1 Comments

ہائی بلڈ پریشر خاموش قاتل کے نام سے بھی جانا جاتا ہے ۔ایک نئی تحقیق سے یہ
بات ثابت ہوئی ھے کہ دنیا میں اس مرض میں مبتلا افراد کی تعداد بڑھنے کے ساتھ ساتھ ان کی شرح اموات میں بھی اضافہ ہوا ھے

نوے لاکھ لوگوں پر ہونے والی بین الا  اقوامی تحقیق  سے یہ بات پتہ چلی ھے کہ اس مرض میں مبتلا افراد کی تعداد میں پچھلے بیس سالوں میں تیزی سے اضافہ ہوا ہے۔ ایک تحقیق سے یہ بات سامنے آی ھے دنیا میں اس وقت نو سو ملین افراد اس مرض کا شکار ہیں۔ یہ قبل از وقت  موت کی اور معذوری کی بڑ ی وجہہ ھے ۔صرف بلڈ پریشر سےکوئی ہلاک نہیں ہوتا بلکہ جب اس کی نویت پیچیدہ ہو جاتی ھے تو ہم موت کہ قریب تر ہو جاتے ھے ۔یہ ہمارے دل یا  گردوں پر حملہ  کرتا ھے جس کی وجہ سے یہ کام کرنا چھوڑ دیتے ھے ۔یا پھر  فالج کا خطرہ پیدا ہو جاتا ہے۔
اس کی بنیادی وجہ  موٹاپا اور غلط غذائ عادات ھے ۔شہروں میں بڑھتی ہوئی آبادی اور جسمانی مشقت میں کمی بھی اس مرض کے پھیلاءو کی بڑی وجہ ہے ۔عمر بڑھنے کہ ساتھ ساتھ بلڈ پریشر ہائی ہونے کے امکانا ت بڑھ جاتے ھے ۔
امریکن میڈیکل ایسوسی ایشن  کے جریدے میں 154 ممالک سے شایع ہونے والی 844 تحقیق سے یہ بات سامنے آئی ھے ہائی بلڈ پریشر سے ہونے والی اموا ت 5 ملین دل کی بیماریوں 2 ملین دماغ میں خون رسنے اور 2 ملین سٹروک کے باعث موت  ہوئی ۔
اس رپورٹ میں یہ بھی بتایا گیا ھے سب سے زیادھ  مریض انڈیا ،چین ،امریکا اور ملاشیعا ء سے سامنے آے ۔
اپنا بلڈ پریشر باقاعدگی سے چیک کرواتے رہیں۔  اگر آپ بلڈ پریشر کے مریض ھے تو میڈیسن کا استعمال باقاعدگی سے کرتے رہیں۔ اور طرز زندگی کو بدلیں۔ اس میں غفلت نہ برتیں۔ یہ ایک پیچیدہ مرض ھے ۔

Sunday, September 16, 2018

HARMFUL EFFECT OF SKIN WHITENING CREAMSرنگ گورا کرنے والی کریموں کے نقصانات

September 16, 2018 0 Comments

ہمارے ہاں گورا رنگ خوبصورتی کی علامت سمجھا جاتا ہے اور اس کے حصول کی کوششوں 
میں لوگ ایسی ایسی حرکتیں کر بیٹھتے ہیں جس سے نہ صرف ان کی جلد

 غیر صحت مند ہو جاتی ہے بلکہ بعض اوقات وہ اپنی جلد کو ناقابل تلافی نقصان پہنچا بیٹھتے ہیں۔
انسانی جلد کے رنگ کا انحصار جلد میں پائے جانے والے مادے میلانن پر ہوتا ہے۔ یہ جلد میں موجود ان خلیوں میں ہوتا ہے جنہیں ملانو سائٹس کہا جاتا ہے۔انسانی جلد کے مختلف رنگ میلانن کی مقدار میں کمی یا اضافے کی وجہ سے ہوتے ہیں۔ جلد کے رنگ پر مختلف ماحول اور جغرافیائی عوامل اثر انداز ہوتے ہیں۔اگر آپ جلد کی کسی بیماری کا شکار ہیں یا آپ کی جلد کے خلیوں میں کوئی ایسی خرابی پیداہو گئی ہے جس سےآپ کی رنگت متاثر ہو رہی ہے تو اس کا علاج کرانا بہرحال ضروری ہے۔لیکن اپنی صاف اور صحت مند جلد کو صرف گورے رنگ کی خاطر مختلف کریموں اور کیمیکلز کا تختہ مشق بنانا خطرات سے کھیلنے کے مترادف ہے۔
رنگ گورا کرنے والی کریموں کے بہت سے نقصانات ہیں جو معمولی سے سنگین نوعیت کے ہو سکتے ہیں۔ان کے بارے میں مکمل معلومات لینے سے آپ اپنی جلد کے حوالے سے بہتر فیصلے کر سکتے ہیں۔

جلن اور چبھن

جلد پر جلن اور چبھن رنگ گورا کرنے والی کریموں کا سب سے عام نقصان ہے جو کہ عموماً ایسی مصنوعات کے استعمال کے فوراً بعد دیکھا جاتا ہے۔ یہ صورتحال تب بھی پیش آسکتی ہے جب ان مصنوعات کو لگا کر دھوپ میں نکلا جائے۔دراصل ان کریموں میں شامل کیمیائی اجزأ سے جلد کی حساسیت بڑھ جاتی ہے۔ اگر کسی کریم کے استعمال سے آپ جلد پر جلن اور چبھن محسوس کریں تو اسے اتار کر فوراً ٹھنڈے پانی سے منہ دھو لیں۔
یہ بھی ممکن ہے کہ آپ ان کریموں میں شامل اجزأ سے الرجی کا شکار ہوں جس کا نتیجہ خارش، جلد کی سرخی، جلن اور جلد کے تعدیے کی صورت میں نکل سکتا ہے۔ کوئی بھی کریم استعمال کرنے سے پہلے اس کے اجزائے ترکیبی ضرور پڑھ لیں تا کہ آپ الرجی کا باعث بننے والے کیمیائی اجزأ سے بچ سکیں۔
جلد پر لگائی جانے والی کریموں کا انتخاب ہمیشہ اپنی جلد کی مناسبت سے کریں۔ ایسی مصنوعات خریدنے سے پہلے اپنی جلد کا جائزہ لیں تا کہ آپ اپنی ضروریات کے مطابق بنی ہوئی مصنوعات کا انتخاب کر سکیں۔ ایسا نہ کرنے کی صورت میں جلد پر خشکی ہو سکتی ہے ۔
جلد پر استعمال کی جانے والی مصنوعات کے غلط انتخاب کا ایک اور نتیجہ ایکنی کی صورت میں سامنے آسکتا ہے۔ یہ اس صورت میں ہو سکتا ہے جب آپ اپنی جلد پر ضرورت سے زیادہ چکنی مصنوعات استعمال کرتے ہیں۔اس وجہ سے جلد کے مسام بند ہو جاتے ہیں اور ایکنی کی شکایت ہونے لگتی ہے جس سے جلد پر نشانات بھی
پڑ سکتے ہیں۔
سورج کی روشنی سے حساسیت
رنگ گورا کرنے والی مصنوعات کا مستقل اور تادیر استعمال آپ کو سورج کی روشنی سے حساس کر سکتا ہے جس سے آپ سن برن، چھالوں اور جھائیوں کا شکار ہو سکتے ہیں۔
جلد کا سرطان
غیر معیاری رنگ گورا کرنے والی کریموں کا مستقل استعمال جلد کے سرطان کا باعث بن سکتا ہے۔ان کریموں کے وقتی استعمال سے چہرہ تروتازہ لگنے لگتا ہے لیکن یہ اتنی دیر کے لیے ہوتا ہے جب تک کریم لگی رہے۔ مہنگی کریمیں بھی مکمل طور پر محفوظ نہیں ہوتی۔ خاص طور پر مرکری اور ہائیڈروکینون والی مصنوعات کو احتیاط اور ماہر امراض جلد کی زیر نگرانی استعمال کرنا ضروری ہے۔
اس سلسلے میں یہ جاننا بہرحال ضروری ہے کہ ہر ایک انسان کی جلد مختلف ہوتی ہے اور جو چیز کسی ایک کے لیے فائدہ مند ہو وہ دوسرے کے لیے نامناسب ہو سکتی ہے

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Know What Smoking Does To Your Body?

September 12, 2018 1 Comments


Cigarettes are a small roll of porous paper containing a rod of chopped up tobacco leaf. Cigarettes are designed so that the tobacco can be smoked, through lights the cigarette and breathing in the smoke. At the mouth stop of the cigarette there is a 2nd layer of porous paper (called tipping paper) and a filter. The tipping paper is designed to permit clean air to infiltrate when the smoker inhales. This clean air reduces the harshness of the smoke. The filter cools the smoke and reduces the drift of smoke out of the cigarette. Cigarettes additionally include components such as sugars and flavourings which are used to amplify shelf life, manipulate the rate at which the cigarette burns and manage the delivery of the chemicals.
Cigarettes range in strength, style and intensity depending upon:
The type of tobacco leaf that is used;
Where on the tobacco plant it is taken from;
The way the leaf is cured; and
How the leaf is processed.
Cigarettes Tobacco leaves comprise an addictive chemical known as nicotine. The content material of nicotine in the cigarette will rely upon the type and section of leaf that is used. The higher on the plant the leaf is taken, the increased the nicotine content.
The most desired tobacco leaf in Australia is Virginia tobacco. Virginia tobacco has a excessive sugar content. While this makes the smoke from the cigarette sweeter it additionally produces more acidic smoke. When the sugars burn a wide variety of detrimental acids are produced. In Australia blended tobacco leaf cigarettes are additionally available.

More data on Tobacco.

In 1987 labels were introduced to Australian cigarette packets which unique the average yield of the predominant cigarette constituents, nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide, in each cigarette. From the content of tar, the cigarettes have been categorised as ‘ultra light’, ‘light’ or ‘regular’. It was once originally believed that low tar cigarettes would minimize the smoker’s exposure to hazardous chemicals. It has since been located that the ‘light’ cigarettes have been turning in similar doses of chemicals, were simply as addictive as ordinary cigarettes and did now not reduce disorder or mortality quotes amongst smokers. In 2006 the labels had been eliminated when the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission decided these categories were misleading.

Cigarette smoke

Cigarette or tobacco smoke consists of extra than 4,000 distinctive chemical compounds which are present in the strong phase, the fuel segment or the liquid phase. The chemical compounds that make up the solid section are tiny solid particles such as phenols, nicotine and naphthalene. The principal gases consist of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and hydrogen cyanide and the liquid vapours consist of formaldehyde, methane, benzene, ammonia and acetone. The majority of these chem


Non-nicotine alkaloids;
Aromatic amines;
Aromatic metals;
Tobacco particular nitrosamines;
Hydrogen cyanide;
Nitrogen oxides;
Quinine; and
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
These chemical names might also now not mean very a great deal to most people till they realise the place else these chemical substances are observed and then it will become evident simply how dangerous they are. The following is a list of some chemical substances observed in cigarette smoke and where else they are found:
CigarettesCarbon monoxide is one of the components that is emitted from car exhaust;
Nicotine is observed in pesticide;
Arsenic and DDT are used in insect poison;
Hydrogen cyanide was once used in the gasoline chambers in World War II and is presently used in rat poison;
Acetone is paint stripper and is a thing of nail polish remover;
Ammonia is used in family cleansing products;
Butane and methanol are found in fuel;
Cadmium is a steel used in car batteries;
Phenol is used in fertilisers;
Naphthalene is a carcinogen used in moth balls; and
Formaldehyde is used as a tissue and specimen preservative often 


Nicotine is the addictive component of tobacco products. It exerts its addictive motion by stimulating the launch of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain, which takes place within seconds of inhaling. Dopamine is a reward chemical, when it is launched people who smoke experience a pleasing feeling. Most smokers need to intake from 0.9 to 1.4mg of nicotine per cigarette in order to feel satisfied. Nicotine has additionally been determined to:
Cigarette additivesAlter the law of the blood brain barrier which in turn increases fluid (cytotoxic oedema) in the brain. This is believed to be the mechanism at the back of multiplied risk of stroke and worsening of stroke consequences in smokers;
Have hazardous outcomes on the cardiovascular system;
Contribute to the dysfunction of the walls of blood vessels (endothelium). Nicotine stimulates the production of free radicals which impair the indispensable capability of the blood vessels to dilate (vasodilation);
In aggregate with carbon monoxide, nicotine is additionally responsible for reducing blood flow to your feet and hands, causing peripheral vascular ailment (diseases of the arteries and veins of the limbs) which over time may also lead to the need for amputation;
Significantly amplify nicotine levels in the brain, even from simply non permanent exposure to second-hand smoke;
Play a role in the induction and development of coronary coronary heart disease (when the coronary heart muscle mass become diseased), coronary artery ailment (when plaque builds up interior the arteries) and heart attack. Nicotine also stimulates irregular heartbeats; and
Stimulates tactics which induce high blood pressure (hypertension) and arterial stiffness.

Carbon monoxide

Incomplete combustion of carbon-containing substances (such as timber and oil) produces carbon monoxide. In the case of cigarettes the carbon-containing substance is tobacco. Other sources of CO include:
Cooking stoves;
Fireplaces; and
Carbon monoxide motives injury to the lungs through depriving the body of oxygen. Oxygen is displaced from haemoglobin (Hb) due to the aggressive binding of carbon monoxide. Hb is responsible for transporting oxygen through the body consequently if oxygen is unable to bind to Hb as a result of carbon monoxide it will minimize oxygen transport to tissue. When body tissues do not have sufficient oxygen it motives a serious condition called hypoxia. Smokers can have as an awful lot as 10 instances as tons carbon monoxide in their bloodstream as non-smokers. Exposure to large quantities of carbon monoxide is fatal.


Tar in cigarettesTar is a mixture of the compounds in cigarette smoke which condensate (turn from a fuel to a solid) as soon as in the lungs to structure a sticky brown substance, this is the cigarette smoke condensate. Tar is the phase of cigarette smoke which reasons the yellow-brown stains on enamel and fingers. Tar is made of nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and a broad range other chemicals.
These chemicals have quick and lengthy time period outcomes on health. The quick term outcomes include coughing and shortness of breath.
The harmful lengthy term outcomes of tar have been regarded for the reason that the 1950s when tumours grew on mice after their skin had been painted with the tar from cigarettes. The chemicals in tar are the main motives of lung and throat most cancers among smokers. Part of the cancer inflicting impact of tar is due to the fact it interferes with immune cellphone cycle progression which effects in sizeable discounts in immune responses. This in turn increases the incidence of tumours and respiratory tract infections.
The tar that remains in the lung causes cells to die. Some of the cells that are destroyed are cilia. Cilia are little hair-like structures that help cross mucous out of the lung. Over time, loss of this cellphone characteristic can lead to emphysema.
While in the previous a lot of find out about and emphasis has been placed on one-of-a-kind strength cigarettes, it has for the reason that been determined that one milligram of tar from one cigarette will comprise equal amounts of cancer agents and cardiovascular toxicants as one milligram of tar in the subsequent cigarette. All cigarettes are hazardous and purpose serious fitness penalties for you 

Cigarette additives

Cigarette additives are used to:

prolong shelf life;
control the price of burning;
help in cigarette manufacture;
control how an awful lot nicotine is delivered;
add flavour; and
reduce the harshness and inflammation of cigarettes.
There are 5 foremost kinds of components along with processing aids, combustion aids, flavours, humectants and nicotine controllers.

Processing aids

Cigarette chemicalsAmmonia compounds, carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol are used to make the cured tobacco less brittle and consequently make it easier to manufacture.

Combustion aids

Ammonium, sodium phosphate and sodium and potassium citrate are used to deal with the cigarette paper which works to control the charge at which the cigarette papers burns. Additives are additionally used to control the temperature of the burning cigarette.


Humectants consist of sugars, glycerine and glycol compounds. They are used to preserve the tobacco moist.

Nicotine controllers

Additives are used to aid the transport of goal doses of nicotine. Nicotine’s addictive attainable can additionally be expanded with the addition of ammonium salts and acetaldehyde.


Liquorice, cocoa, honey, fruit spices or fruit extracts can be used to enhance the style of cigarettes making them more palatable and appealing, in particular for first-time smokers. Chemicals contained in liquorice, coffee and cocoa dilate the airways and as a result the smoker will gain higher doses of nicotine and tar. Menthol can numb the throat and make the smoker less aware of the harsh outcomes of the smoke and even promote a feeling of “freshness” in the mouth after a cigarette. All flavours, specially sugars, mask the noxious style of tobacco and the bitter style of nicotine.
Additives are considered as “safe” elements by way of tobacco industries. However, what desires to be taken into account is that these elements are inhaled into the lungs as an alternative than ingested, which is not safe. Furthermore, additives include chemical substances whose effects might also not be detrimental if ingested in my view however when added to cigarettes can heighten the powerful addictive effects. For example, some components stimulate nicotine receptors and consequently render smokers’ brains more receptive to the addictive results of the chemical. Additives aid in making the cigarette an pleasing option which increases the difficulty of quitting.
Cigarette two additivesCigarettes are now not labeled as tablets or meals and consequently do no longer have standards positioned on them in order to manage the agricultural chemicals that are used in farming the tobacco and the amount of chemicals that are left on the plant as soon as they have been farmed. Agriculture additives can also include fungicides, fertilisers, pesticides and herbicides.
Currently tobacco corporations in Australia have a Voluntary Agreement with the Government Department of Health and Aging which protects manufacturer’s change secrets. The government has a list of the elements in each brand of cigarettes however beneath the agreement this records is not made public.
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Flavoured cigarettes

Flavoured cigarettes

There are some cigarettes which are designed to be dominated by using a flavour. Menthol and confectionary/liqueur cigarettes are the two principal flavoured varieties.
Flavoured cigarettes can masks the depth of the tobacco to an extent that smokers will continue the smoke for longer besides breathing out and as a consequence acquire greater tiers of nicotine. The harshness of the tobacco smoke is also masked which makes it less difficult to tolerate cigarettes and much less probable to recognize the dangers of smoking.
Currently fruit and confectionary cigarettes are banned in a variety of Australian states and it seems that other states will observe swimsuit

Saturday, September 8, 2018


September 08, 2018 2 Comments


People of all races and ades get acne . Acne is most common amongist teengers and young adults.
Abou 80% of people affected between the age of 11 and 30.


1: Stress stress sress-
2: Decrease water intake-
3: Increased oil/fried food consumption-
4: Hormonal changes-
5: Dandruff can also cause for Acne-
6: Clgged pores(too much makeup)-
7: Sometime acne arises due to excessive dryness also-



                                Contaning vitamin C as well as other anti-oxident are present in lemon. Its alkaline natural kills Bacteria known to cause Acne.Drink lemon water daily it aslo helps for whitening the skin. you can also apply lemon on face to treat Acne.


                        Green Tea filled with the cancer preventation agents that can field fronm ecological stressors. Drink more Green for the duration of day time Because it DEcrease stress.


                    Yogart help to prevent from bacteria which can lead to Acne. SO, must serving one to two spoon of yougart  in your daily diet routine.


                     Alovera contain alleviate hyperpigmentation and restore your skin original color .hyperpigmentation  is one of main cause of uneven skin tone.
Alovera coolong effect also regenerate new ceels and rebuild damage tissue. Which is important for healthy skin. Alovera can also lighten dark spot and improve your overall skin complexion.

Cut the outer layer of an alovera leaf. squeeze out the thick jelly-like substance . 
Apply the gel throughly on your skin leave it on for abour 30 min..
wash  it off with water 
Do this at leats daily  for two weeks.



                                                    You can use facewash  thats contains Fighting Ingredients  like Salicyclic  Acid, Sodium  Sulfacetamide, Or Benzoyal Peroxide. 
Salicyclic  Acid:        helps  to clear blocked pores and reduce swelling and redness.
Benzoyal Peroxide:  exfoliate the skin and kills Bacteria.

 You can use 
1:Biodermal Sebium Gel  Moussant  face wash
2: Acne Wipe Milky Cleanser face wash
3: Acne Wash Soap 
4: Acne Cleanser soap


                                                 Always Apply SUN BLOCKER while inside the house and outside the house . Alwass use Good quality Sun blocker tha do not makes skin oily. 



                                             YOU can also used charcoal Mask. these mask helps you to encloge pores and absorb eviromental pollutant oil and dirt fron skins. its also good for those people who has Acne and Blackhead. it reduce the oil from skins,


Monday, September 3, 2018

How to fulfill your desire drems.

September 03, 2018 6 Comments


The computer is one of the best inventions ever. That’s why it is widely used in many aspects of life including business, work, communication, media, health wellness, and entertainment. With so many of us using computers at work, eye strain has become a major job-related complaint. There are many studies that have shown eye strain and other troublesome visual symptoms occur in 50-90 % of computer workers. Too many hours spent in front of the computer can cause various problems such as physical fatigue, dry eyes, eyes twitching, red eyes, blurry vision, and sometimes long-term visual loss. Here are some top tips that can help you reduce your risk of computer eye strain and other common eye problems.

1.Go To Regular Eye Checkups:

Having a routine comprehensive eye exam is important for you to monitor your eye health. So, schedule regular consultations with the eye specialist. If your doctor detects any vision problems then get the proper treatment. If your doctors find nothing wrong with your eyes then still he can help you by providing recommendations on how to take care of your eyes.

2.Work In Proper Lighting:

Eye strain is often caused by an excessively bright light. It can either come directly from outdoor sunlight or from ruthless interior lighting. Whenever you work on your computer, use lighting about half as bright as that normally found in most of the offices. You can eliminate excessive light by closing drapes, shades, blinds or curtains. Also, try to reduce lighting by using fewer light bulbs.

3.Shift You Gaze and Blink Often:

Laptop use often entails intense concentration. This much of concentration on work can lessen your time to blink and this can be harmful to the eyes. So, for every twenty minutes look away from the computer screen and shift your gaze. Blink more often and breathe to ensure your eyes remain moist and eyes muscle relaxed. However, when you look away from the computer, focus instead of an object in the distance. It is a simple exercise that helps relieve digital eye strain.

4.Adjust Display Settings:

Make sure your Laptop is in focus and that the brightness of your computer screens matches the brightness of the surrounding room. Meanwhile, the size of the font on your computer shouldn’t be too small that you have to move your eyes closer in order to read them. Also, use dark text on a light background because it provides the ideal contrast that your eyes can handle.

5.Wear Computer Eyewear:

You can also wear proper eyewear while working on the computer. There are eyeglasses and contacts tailored specifically for heavy Laptop users. Such eyewear provides comfort and relief eye strain from prolonged hours in front of the computers.

If you’re one of those people who use a computer every day and for consecutive hours at a time, then you need to take special care of your eyes and vision. However, if you’re already experiencing Laptop-related vision problems then consult with the eye specialist and seek medical advice